We encourage the tracking of each phase 2 submission with a readme file.
Some of the things we encourage tracking include the following:
Model description:
-Model architecture, all intermediate layers and connections, details of activation, optimization, number of trainable parameters, loss function etc
- If not deep learning, provide model type and all relevant parameters
- Inputs/outputs : patches, 2D slice, 3D, modalities, etc
- Pre-processing of inputs
- Initialization of model parameters. If pre-trained on other existing datasets, specify which datasets
- Clearly state original work vs existing work.
- Existing code/software libraries/packages were used
Training method:
- Description of use of additional datasets (needs to be publicly
available): data parameters and usage
- How was hyperparameter tuning performed, learning rate and batch size, other hyper parameters used
- Detail the data augmentation strategies
- Number of models trained if ensembles were used
- Model training time and estimated C02 impact